

Make smart devices friendly and easy for everyone.

My chalenger

Oxii is a pioneer in the field of smart devices and smart distribution systems. With the mission of accompanying customers to create a simple digital life, using life-enhancing technology, we have built the most complete and minimalist ecosystem, combined with IoT to bring convenience. benefits for businesses and users.


Continually creating and making efforts to make Oxii a close friend to everyone, every home, every business. Orientation to 2025 will become one of the leading enterprises in the industry in Southeast Asia.

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Enthusiasm, strategic vision, sincerity


100% expert level


Is central


Continually creating and making efforts to make Oxii a close friend to everyone, every home, every business. Orientation to 2025 will become one of the leading enterprises in the industry in Southeast Asia.


E-commerce platform, distribution channel

Researching, developing and producing a product is difficult, but building and effectively operating a distribution channel for products to customers is crucial to the success of the product. Oxii has a B2B2C distribution channel management platform from factories, warehouses, to a chain of distributors, agents, a nationwide network of technicians and collaborators ready to serve you.


Smart IoT devices and solutions

Paradox: the smarter the devices and systems, the more complicated and confusing for users. Oxii builds its smart products on the philosophy: Make popular devices smart, make smart devices simple and easy for everyone.


Customer data management platform
Customer is central. When the number of customers of the business increases rapidly, access to the company's products through many online or offline channels. Our iCDP product aggregates customer information from multiple sources to build a 360-degree customer portrait, then builds customer segments to make tailored product recommendations for each segment.